......and shine like you just can't help it....

Thursday 25 October 2012

Not What You Might Be Expecting

Last night was a night of weird dreams turned bad until at around 4;30 I woke myself up yelling SHARK! Thankfully, I didn't wake my daughter, who was sleeping in my bed next to me ( that's a whole other story or twenty! ). I''ve had my fair share of spider dreams and vampire dreams ( thanks Anne Rice) but no shark dreams before now. Long story dream short, picture a group of people wading through the water, my mum and I on a gazebo in the middle of the water. Absolute terror as I see that huge grey shape beneath the water as my mum squeaks out "shark". I do my own squeaky "shark" before yelling at the top of my voice. My mum has always had one role when we were at the beach when we were growing up. Shark watch! Picture Roy Scheider in Jaws. She knows they're out there and no one is going to be eaten on her watch! Obviously somewhere along the way I've picked up the baton.

Yes, this is THE Jaws.

I'm not ruled by my fear of sharks, I swim in the ocean. But you have no idea how shattered I was when I learned that sharks will attack in water as shallow as knee deep. There went that strategy! There are beaches I won't swim at because to my  expert eyes it definitely looks like a beach sharks might find attractive?!! I know, bizarre. If the water is a bit cold, good, because it's obviously too cold for sharks. I think this has it's beginnings in childhood when I was scared of the dark. I used to love when it rained at night because it's a well known fact that bad people don't go out when it's wet. It's just common sense. And, not wanting to offend anyone I won't name name's, but there are parts of the world near and far I wouldn't be caught dead swimming at because, well, I might get caught dead!

As you may have guessed, I'm not a huge risk taking adventurer in the traditional sense. No parachuting, paragliding, white water rafting, swimming with sharks ( ha ha ) for me. But as a stay at home of two little ones embarking on a new career in something I have no idea if I'm actually any good at, I get plenty of adrenaline rushes and challenges conquered. After all, every day can hold a bit of adventure in it if you choose to look at it that way. Yes?
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